hujan pulak...habis basah naik motor, nasib baiklah baju hujan menjadi penyelamat...
bkan cerita pasal semalam, tapi pasal hari ini... bangun lambat, tengok jam da pukul 9.15am, bangun sebab housemat syif malam kejutkan...tiba2 ada col dari company tu..apa lagi, jawab lah dengan jujur, Im over slept la, give me 1 hour for dress up...haha..
mandi2..siap sume...pergi la...waktu ni kan, tie x pakai lagi..baca balik, attire formal...dekat trafic light kota kemuning, tunggu lampu hijau, setup tie, kereta belakang siap tangkap gambar lagi...jd model la plop..haha...lampu hijau, siap da pkai,
sampai kat sana lewat 40 minut..lepas lapor diri kat pak guard, gi lah masuk bilik interview..kena answer IQ test...soalan senang2 je...
tepat jam 1140...
bermulalah sesi intview..
hai, I am hamdan, you? ( aku plop yg tanye )
I ms Deepa...( ow, ms lg )
ok hamdan, lets start interview now..
please introduce urself, family background and ur previous study...
i pun..bla2...bla2...
hamdan, how flight can fly??
(senangnye soalan)
from what i have learned, 4 thing important for aircraft, lift, weight, drag and thrust...the wing structure have the aeleron to control for rolling, elevator at the back of rudder to control has longitudinal axis and latitude axis..
the pilot control the throttle and the yawk or joystick to pitch up or pitch down the elevator..
mr interview : ow..if the aeroplane want to land, how to landing safely?
bla..bla.....panjang lah ceritenye....
before this, i have training with department of civil aviation under spirit aerosystems and miat,
i am specialist for airbus 320 & 321 moveable fairing...
pastu kan...orang yang interview tu bagitau nak recommend i keje ngan ctrm aerocomposite kat batu berendam...sebabnye terlebih advance...haha...klakar la...
gi interview job len,..dapat yang lain plop...
i bagitau la..i x nak kerja kat melaka sebab nak continue study..then mr interview want to work or study...choose lah...
i prefer you to continue are still young...still fresh....and your family background also......................................................................................................
mcm tu lah ceritanya...lau decide nak keje, contact balik esok, balik pikir dulu..
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